Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
... it was voted best film of the '80s on virtually every major critic's forum, yet it was beat out by "Ordinary People" for the Oscar in 1980. How's that possible?...

'Ordinary People' is an outstanding film. It got Robert Redford a Best Director Oscar as well. 'Raging Bull' great as it is was probably a bit too abstract to have gotten the majority of Best Picture votes back in 1980.

As for 'The Blind Side'...as soon as I saw it I knew that Sandra Bullock would get at the least a nomination. She does give an understated performance, and at the same time dominates the film. That takes quite a bit of talent & skill. ( I loved the scene where she calmly tells off her snobby girlfriends: "Shame on you...I've got the check" )

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.