Nicollette Sheridan, who's famous for being on Desperate Housewives is getting her "One Shining Moment 2010" with Marc Cherry. Nicollette Sheridan is suing Marc Cherry, the creator of Desperate Housewives for $20 million in a wrongful termination claim.

Sheridan charges that Marc Cherry hit her and then killed off her character "Edie Britt", thus getting rid of her, when she tried to complain about it.

Whatever the case, ABC Studios is standing behind Marc Cherry according to EOnline: "While we have yet to see the actual complaint, we investigated similar claims made by Ms. Sheridan last year and found them to be without merit."

The lawsuit covers assault, wrongful termination, and gender violence. It reads that Cherry hit her across the head and face.

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungleā€”as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.