Originally Posted By: olivant
...some Board members have essentially posted that once Vito was eliminated, Sonny could just simply continue to bribe judges despite the loss of Vito's personal relationship with those judges since it was, apparently, all just a matter of money. So, if that's true, it begs the question: why couldn't Barzini or Tattaglia supply the money? Why did they need Vito then? And given the enormous profits associated with drugs, I just don't see Sollozzo or Barzini saying "Vito won't help. Gosh darnnit, what are we gonna do now?

The loss of a 'personal relationship' with Vito wouldn't necessarily mean the freedom to simply 'break' with the Corleone Family. Whether Sonny was the Head or not, there would be consequences to that kind of a move.

And if indeed they had such a 'personal' relationship with Vito, then the judges etc. might not be so quick to jump out of his pocket and into Barzini's or Tattaglia's. There would be consequences to THAT as well.

That HAD to at least attempt to go about this with Vito's cooperation and assistance. He had too much respect amongst the 'Families' for the narcotics trade to be undertaken without his being approached.

As for Johnny Fontaine, there is a bit of a difference between what a godson can say and what a bought judge/politician can say. And besides, when Johnny said he would take orders from Vito not Sonny...Vito was alive. Who knows if he would have been so bold with Vito dead and Santino the 'Official' Head of the family (although he did buckle pretty quickly to Michael's wishes in the movie...oh, yeah this is the MOVIE forum).

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.