Cut the bull folks, get a picture, any picture and either take it to a store and get it done or put it in the mail with your name and screen name to Don Geoff...

Other places, Take it to work or ask someone at work who may be able to do it. Go to a business who will most likely do it for free as long as you don't ask them to do a hundred phots. grin

Ask you Mother to help you if you need it...
M4M bribe your nurse or steal you picture from the nurses med cart... lol

Come on ladies we know you have photos...get them our and get going...we are having so much fun here. we could always post one that looks like Rosanne Barr...Naked!

Snake don't be shy or we will have to get the women after eye or not. wink

If we don't get a photo we will post that naked fat guy under your name... lol lol lol

come on folks no excuses!

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."