Originally posted by Snake:
y'all look better!
Guess you're all stuck with Kurt Russell from me, though, for the time being...unless someone wants to buy me a digital camera and a scanner?!? grin Probably just as well you don't see my pic...but if you're REALLY curious, they probably still have an old one up at the Post Office. wink [/QB]
I also, do not have a scanner or digital. I hate the very few pictures I have taken as well. Besides, with all the wonderful looking ladies, I'm afraid I'd be put to shame!!!! wink

Ok, I am off to the post office now!!!!! lol


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon