Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
...Apple mentioned that she was uninsured for a time. What if, God forbid, she or her child had required hospitalization? How devastating would that have been financially?

Pretty devastating. Which is why, as I said, one hopes for the best during such an interim time, rather than pay the hundreds per month to enroll in Cobra (an option that I did have on several occasions). Has anyone answered my question though, about whether under this plan, one can get insurance after losing a job and then switch to employee coverage once they have a NEW job?

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
...We need some mechanism that will guarantee that we are all on a level playing field, with access to regular and preventative doctor visits...

That is a very nice goal, however I hate to tell you, that just because someone is insured, that does not mean they are going to go on 'regular and preventative' doctor visits.

Unless of course, under ObamaCare, such visits are REQUIRED.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
...by the way, do you think that the people who will be served by this bill the working poor who are desperately trying to keep their families afloat, or are they blood-sucking leeches, sucking on the public teat?

Just wondering...how much will the 'working poor' that are served by this bill have to pay for their newly acquired insurance, that they will be forced to either buy or be charged a penalty fine...while they are 'saving us money' by not going to the emergency room? Or are those poor people still under the impression that ObamaCare means 'FREE' care?

One other thing...if the President, Vice President, and all the Democrats who voted for this bill think it's so wonderful, then why did they declare themselves exempt from it?

This Utopia you people are living in is a farce. The bad of ObamaCare far outweighs the good.


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 03/24/10 08:58 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.