Originally posted by Uztopoke:
Capacino, my lovely, I do not take lithium. I take paroxetine for panic attacks. My mind races far too fast for optimum mental health, but rather than stumbling into a catatonic, mumbling mess, I just panic. Plain-vanilla "Holy Shit, I can't believe my mind is doing this" panic. "Holy Cow! Is THAT what I'M thinking?!?!" You get the picture.

And I am always polite.

Scarlett, much can happen within 150 posts. "Mama Corleone Is Dead" is my reference to the retirement of Mama Corleone as my avatar, replaced with my genuine face.
That makes sense I guess, but I have to say that I wonder what a Psychiatrist would say about the pathology behind a really cute guy (at least from what I can tell from the New You avatar you are) who uses a picture of Mama Corleone as hs OLD avatar? eek

"Life is so beautiful."

"Even the King of Italy didn't dare to meddle with the relationship of a husband and wife."

Don Vito Corleone