I think the most annoying word I encounter in conversation is when people end their sentences with "so..." You don't see it in the written word, so why the hell do people say it when they're talking? I'll give you an example in case you don't know what I'm talking about (this is from an actual conversation with a friend. It isn't verbatim, but it is close enough to get to my point):

Me: "Wow! How does it feel to finally have your college degree."

Friend: "It feels great man! I've wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little kid, so..."

So...so what? Is that the end of your thought, or do you have more to add? If there is more to say, JUST FREAKIN' SAY IT!

Okay so it doesn't seem like such a huge deal, but it is something that has bothered me for a long time now. My sister does it all the time, and most people I engage in converstaion with do it. I don't think most people realize that they end their with "so..."

I am sure most of you have no idea what I'm talking about! lol

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis