I guess I'll be the next brave one to step up to the plate! grin

Okay, let's get some things pointed out over he'a! tongue I am 16 years old, but this pic was taken when I was ABOUT 14. Meaning, AROUND 2-3 years ago. Some people may be asking "then why is there a PS2 in the background?" Simple. PS2 came out in the year 2000, which was when this pic was taken! Simple enough, eh? And, you can barely see my face, which really sucks. Basically, I still look ABOUT the same, but a bit older. And, basially, this is a BAD pic... It was taken about 2-3 years ago, you can barely see my face at all, and I think I look fat... But, here it goes!

[Linked Image]

Comments, anyone? blush

Oh, and the "big nose" kid in the background is my cousin, Richard, and the lady is his step-mother, Elaine.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw