Nice thread, Mig. I'm praying for your family. And for MC's new addition(s) to the family, too. Also for our friend Fame, hopefully we'll get an update soon on his condition.

I have a prayer request of my own I'd like to make. This isn't easy to share, but I recently told the board about a friend of mine, a young lady, who's been a long-time family friend, and her battle with cancer. The prognosis isn't good, in fact, it's really bad. The doctors have decided that the chemotherapy treatments are not helping but very much hurting her overall condition, and they've decided to stop them as there's simply nothing more they can do for her. Her mother has chosen to take the ventilator out and let her die naturally.

I guess I just ask that you'll pray she passes as pain free as possible and for her 4 yr old son, whose care will now pass to the girl's mother and stepfather. She just turned 28 and this will obviously have devastating effects for her brother, mother, stepfather, and her many friends and family. I'd be lying if I said the whole affair hasn't caused me to reevaluate the way I live my own life. I just can't fathom that someone so young and beautiful can get cut down in the prime of their life...If I'm lucky I may live for 100 years, but in my mind she'll forever be that young girl with the big brown eyes and bright smile. I don't really know what else to say right now, but that it helps talking about it with you all.

Her name is Amanda.

Thanks and God Bless