Originally posted by Saladbar:

a Liberal and a Conservative, hymm, that would be like Vulcans and Romulans? or humans and Klingons? i don't meet the criteria of being old enough to be your mother but i must be getting old if all i elicit is now "that will be OK" response. perhaps it is because i don't know what Ricky Martin looks like.
NICE analogies!!! lol

I've not seen any Ricky Martin video all the way through. Just clips here and there. Does that count? (I know which hot girl you're talking about, LDV... the one with the candle wax, right?) lol

Turi Giuliano, I'd love to see your mohawk. I have a pic of me with a mohawk, but that was a complete failure, never to see the light of day again. frown

Well however old you are, Saladbar, you look like you could be my 20 year old sister. In fact, I wish you were... then I'd have someone to talk about the GF all the time.

EDIT: To make my post a little longer, I noticed Apple looking very gorgeous...

I'm a girl, and I just want to have fun.