if DiCaprio will be Sinatra, then Matt Damon should play JFK and Mark Wahlberg should play Lucky Luciano. if they make a movie about JFK's life Damon should play him. and if they make a modern movie on Luciano's life, then Wahlberg should play Lucania. i can see Damon as JFK hes from Mass and with the right make up he would look like him. the same thing with Wahlberg, he resembles Lucania, in the eyes and shape of mouth and face. hopefully we will see some mob activity in this Sinatra movie, like the back stage picture with all the bosses that "the men just suddenly gathered around him, and he didnt know who they were" yea.... and Abe Reles thought that he was Superman, and jumped out on his own.... same reality there.

Last edited by Benjamin_Bugsy_Siegel; 03/13/10 03:54 PM.