Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Originally posted by PastaPunk:
[b]....La Vita Loca! wink
Pasta, I LOVE it!!!!! My new name. More fitting huh? La Vita Loca. haha.

Uz: 24, 26....As long as you are old enough for me not to have given birth to you. Because then that would be icky.[/b]
you know, i thought "la vida loca" a few times reading your posts! especially the one about having your husband's wallet ... he works hard and you get to play...sounds like a good "vida" for me too! smile

and i am also glad i'm not really old enough to be Poke's mom. eek there would be some terrible cosmic justice to it if i had a Poke-son. i used to ride a motorcycle (small Honda Rebel 250cc, even that was too big for me) but as a mom i'd be too worried if my offspring rode. it was sooo dangerous when i did. can't tell you how many close calls.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"