Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Ignoring the post above from some Caponian wannabe (lmao)... I actually enjoyed the sequel!

What do you mean comrade? Now excuse me I've got to lecture people about the joys of Marxism and how it is so not an irrelevant dead ideology. What Americans hate it? Well its their fault for not getting it. The wanker lot!

Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Sure, neither of the films are perfect

Translation: Yeah they suck, but I like'em regardless!

Originally Posted By: J Geoff

-- I think the editing is very questionable in spots.

That's like saying Michael Bay maybe likes his explosions too much.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Downright "WTF was that?" sometimes. And some of the acting is just straight-out bad (and sometime awesome). BUT, unlike some of the "scholars" on this forum, I can actually enjoy a movie without picking it to pieces and being a negative doosh about life.

Really? I'm one of the scholars now? Thanks for the degree.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Some take shit too seriously, when they should learn to enjoy things more. It's not that difficult. tongue

Geoff you're many thing. Published book author isn't one of them, unlike that one guy's review I linked (two books in fact), the guy who "take shit too seriously."

Amazing Geoff, you always play that snobbish elitist card against anybody who disagrees with you.

I like to think I'm more American because I'm more open to dissention to my opinion, thus I love America more.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff

If you liked BDS1, you should enjoy BDS2. If you hated BDS1, then watch it again without the stick up your\\\\\\ wink

But what if the stick is more interesting and more entertaining than the movie?

Now posh off.