Originally Posted By: Roths_Football_Boots

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I guess we can all agree that Tessio would have come off as a better traitor.

What was Vito's ultimate goal in sending Luca, what was the best possible outcome he would have wanted. The thing that would have him said 'yep that worked for us100%'

My feeling is that I think Vito secretly hoped that Luca would kill Sollozzo by having Luca appear as a Corleone defector. This was a grave error on Vito's part because it cost the Corleone Family its most ruthless and feared enforcer.

As has been discussed in previous threads, one of the underlying themes of the trilogy was how characters underestimated the enemy. Vito clearly miscalculated Sollozzo and the decision to decline his offer for a drug partnership. Ultimately, it nearly cost Vito his own life and he paid the price by losing Luca Brasi.