This is a true story; it happened yesterday:

I teach a theatrical makeup course at a local college. We started discussing makeup techniques used in GF and it turned out that one of my students really likes the film. So, I started doing my Don Corleone impression and everyone reacted with amazement. clap (Much to my surprise!) Anyway, they demanded more, and more I gave them. I admit it: I am a Ham.

It was an offer I couldn't refuse.

Perhaps I went into the wrong profession... lol

Signor V.

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."