Yeah, we've discussed Higgins at length, TB. I don't think anyone ever wrote more realistic dialogue than he did in his early novels, save for maybe Richard Price or Elmore Leonard.

I recently purchased the new dvd release of "Eddie Coyle," and Charlie's right, they did a great job with it. I really love the scene at the Bruins game towards the end of the film. It was a dead on depiction of a live sporting event of the times (the early '70s). Mitchum did such a great job in that scene, I've often wondered if he was really drunk or just acting. And Boyle was a terrific actor. He had an understated brilliance about him that was mind-boggling. He could go from cuddly to terrifying in the blink of an eye.

All in all, a very good adaptation of a superior novel.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.