Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Vito's "no" put Sol (and presumably Tatt) in an inimical position: either crawl back into your hole and forget about drugs, or do something else. The something else could have been to assassinate Vito. But, I'm guessing, the other Dons would have been reluctant to go to war against the most powerful family if Sonny hadn't made his gaffe. But Barzini probably would have stepped into the "mediator" role he played later, and demanded a Commission meeting like the one we saw to reason with Vito.

Interesting hypothetical, TB. Let's take it a step further.

At the Commission meeting, Vito agrees to make the peace by offering "to give up protection in the East." But, as he says later, he was motivated by the desire to protect Michael. Let's say that the meeting happens before the Sollozzo killing. Sonny is alive. Michael is not associated with the Family.

How does the meeting go? Does Vito, hearing the unanimity of the other Dons and Don Zalucci's testimony, agree to allow drugs? Or, not having lost any of his sons, does he continue to insist that his political protection would not assist the drug trade and stand fast against drugs?

Last edited by The Last Woltz; 03/04/10 04:16 PM.

"A man in my position cannot afford to be made to look ridiculous!"