Originally posted by makeshift:
SC, i dont appreciate your racist remarks. racism only makes you look worse..
Wanna point out where I used racist remarks?

Originally posted by makeshift:
and why would you judge me on the number of posts i have? why do you judge my inelligence or respectablility on how many times i have posted?
I was using YOUR argument, not mine. YOU were the one who proclaimed GBM wasn't respected because he had only 50 posts.

Originally posted by makeshift:
its not the quantity of the posts SC, its the quality
I've been saying that very thing for over three years here. smile

Originally posted by makeshift:
i have worked hard to help members of this forum. sexist, racist, and judmental posts, no matter how many YOU have, show the true interity of a person...nothing personal SC, i just judge from what i read...
OK, you lost me here. Two or three posts (one of which was in error) explaining some technological processes translates into you working hard here??

The second part of this "paragraph" makes no sense to me. I've been around long enough to know when my chain is being yanked, so I suggest you take this off the boards and reply to me in Private Messages.
