Gina, I remember you shared your cousin's picture here before. I've had their mother in my prayers since I heard the news and continue to pray for you all.

Unfortunately, I too am very upset right now b/c I recently received perhaps the most horrifying news of my life. I'm fine, but a young lady, a little older than yourself, whose family has been friends with mine since we were kids, has been battling Cancer for about the past 8 months. My dad called me and told me she now has Cervical cancer and the prognosis is very bad. She is perhaps not expected to live through the month. confused I knew she was sick but never expected anything like this. She's unmarried, has a 3 yr old son, lost her own father when she and her brother were toddlers, and I know this will absolutely devastate her mother, brother and step-father.

I'm sorry to interrupt your thread, but we're all talking about the power of prayer and living for the moment, and I do believe in the power of prayer, I truly do, and if there's anyway you all could fit my friend into your prayers and thoughts for Gina'a family I would greatly appreciate it. She was one of the sweetest girls I'd ever met in my life. Her mother is an Irish Catholic from Boston, and her father an Hispanic man who was killed while working in a freak construction accident when she and her brother were still in diapers. The mother moved them to Texas, married an old friend of my dad's, and she was like a sister I never had. How I wish now that we hadn't grown apart. I'm only about 5 years older than her, but I remember giving she and her brother piggyback rides when they were still babies. frown

Sorry to bring furthur grief on everyone but I thought this story would reiterate what's already been stated here, that we truly have to be thankful for every millisecond we have in this life. Tears fill my eyes as I type this and I can't help thinking that if everyone lived each moment like it was their last this world would be a virtual utopia. When I was in college I lost two high school friends to suicides and then a grandmother all within weeks of one another, and it just never gets easier, does it....

May God Bless and Keep your Aunt, Forever.