You all are amazing people and friends...thank you.

I hadn't meant to write so much - I just knew I needed to give the news here - but I really appreciate all of the responses to my thoughts on what happened.

SC - I was hoping for a full recovery, too. I really believed it would be a test of endurance and faith, in helping her along and being patient as she slowly recovered and became well. Her family would've stayed strong the entire way. But I think we all knew, after the doctors spoke with us, that we wouldn't get that opportunity. I know that this experience will certainly bring the remaining seven of us even closer.

Fame - Thank you. My prayers are still with you.

SB - We will definitely keep in mind the happy memories we have of her and our families together. While my cousins and uncle are hurting right now, they also are able to smile and laugh in remembrance of the good times.

Goombah - Absolutely...there are few fair things in this I maintain hope for some kind of justice in the next. Another lesson I learned from this is how unimportant the things are that I previously thought were such a big deal. Things that I got upset or mad about, I thought back to after she was in the hospital, and I realized that I'd taken a lot for granted.

Bethie - Thank you.

PB - Thank you. I'll work to always keep in mind what we've come to understand as a family.

DC - Thank you.

SV - Thank you. I'm so sorry for never before realizing (or I suppose considering) what a horrible decision it is. I've taken several philosophy classes in college, and in Ethics, we discussed issues like this. I always thought it was something I'd never want to be a part of, but also never believed it could actually happen to someone I know. By the time my uncle was ready, I think the rest of us already knew it needed to be done...but I know it must be infinitely more difficult for the person who actually chooses. We could see that she would never be the same, and it seemed she'd actually slipped deeper, away from us. I could sense that and know, but yet I don't know how I would handle the decision. It would've gotten harder for my uncle, every day that he let go by, so though I know he lives with great heartache, I'm glad he was able to let go. It has the appearance of being something "against" the patient, but I see it as an act of mercy for the loved one; the surviving family must make the sacrifice of dealing with the pain and loss, as a way of letting the person move on to his or her peaceful rest.

Mig - Absolutely; I take comfort in thinking of her that way now. And I hope dearly for her to someday be reunited with her husband and sons.

TIS - Thank you; the prayers are greatly appreciated.

TB - Thank you.

Tony - Thank you. I think you're very right about the support system that exists between people in their struggles. My mom has kept family and friends updated these past few weeks, and we've received wonderful support, through prayer, encouragement, and comfort. My uncle who lost his wife is brother to my dad - their cousin passed away quite a few years back, but his wife has been a huge help to my uncle because she went through similar experiences and is now able to provide him with understanding and sympathy.