Originally posted by Don Marco:
...I do think that LBJ vs Nixon would have been an interesting race. If LBJ ran, what do you think Bobby Kennedy would've done? I don't think he was about to defer to LBJ as the head of the Democrats, but he might not have been in LA on that day in June...
LBJ was so despised because of the Vietnam war, that Bobby Kennedy would've easily beaten him in the primaries had he decided to run. Johnson & Kennedy hated each other, it's no secret. Had he lived, I do agree that Kennedy would've beaten Nixon, out of sheer sentiment for the loss of JFK...not that that would've necessarily been a good thing. LBJ was smart to pull out in March 1968 - he would've had his Texas hide whooped bad by either one of the other two men. He didn't want it anymore, anyway...the war had taken its toll and he was more than happy to step down and no longer be 'the man'.

As for that day in LA, well...Bobby was there, and there's no point wondering if/when/where/why.


PS - as for Uzi...go get whatever girl you want, I really don't care.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.