Thank you, friends. Part, I do remember your posts about your work with the stroke foundation - thanks for writing the words of encouragement!


Everything had been about the same with my aunt - she's still unconscious, unfortunately. But they recently found that she had blood clots in her legs and in her lungs. They've inserted a filter to keep them from traveling from her legs, and they said the one in her lungs hasn't caused any trouble yet. They're still unsure why so many are continuing to form, but it could be something hereditary.

Today, they found that she has another clot in her brain, so she'll have surgery tomorrow at 7:30 AM for it. They have to go through the carotid vein, and they said it's risky - but our hope now is that the surgery goes well, and that she'll have a better chance of waking up sooner, once the clot is removed; they said that this clot might be why she's stayed unconscious thus far. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers tonight and tomorrow especially - thanks so much.