Yea, I'm sorry you can get direct or dish. I was thinking just cable I guess. confused To be honest, I am not familiar with either of the other two. I don't like the big dish satellite that makes the building look ugly. I don't know if either are any cheaper or if you can get all the stations as with cable.

Right now, I get my internet and extended cable tv thru Time Warner. Btw, TW is now offering telephone service as well.
It always sounds good because their deals usually are one price for a year and then after that year it increases considerably.

Do you recommend either Dish/direct? The good thing about TW though is I very very seldom have any problems with either the Internet or cable tv.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 02/04/10 12:29 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon