To my BB family,

My aunt had a stroke this past Saturday, and through an MRI, the doctors found a blood clot in her head, which they were able to remove through surgery. We are so grateful that, in such a dangerous situation, she has made it through, but she is still in a coma right now. They haven't determined what caused the bleeding, and they are unsure of when she'll wake up. My uncle and my two cousins are having a very difficult time dealing with all of this, and my family is doing what we can to provide support and comfort, hoping to keep them positive. Our two families lived next door to each other for many years, so we are extremely close, and my heart goes out to them...I truly cannot imagine the heartache they're experiencing. My uncle is relying on prayer right now, and we're all praying that she wakes up and can recover from this.

So I wanted to write here to ask of you, those who are religious or spiritual in any way - or any of you who can just hold good thoughts and well wishes for her - to please keep them in your prayers...we would all really appreciate it. Thank you so much.