Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
However, a man who would cheat on his wife and father a child with his mistress is more than someone who simply faltered. It means that he had unprotected sex in a day when AIDS is a reality. It means that he not only was fucking someone besides his wife, it means that he didn't give a shit if he brought home some disease.

It's not necessarily unprotected sex. He can use a condom. Of course, Edwards obviously (or at least very probably) didn't do that.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
And, yes. It IS a big deal. Because it's a PROMISE.

I don't think a promise is necessarily binding. It depends on what the promise is. I don't think this is one of the things that is. As far as vows, most people also promise to be together with their spouse for the rest of their lives. No one seems to condemn them for breaking this promise if they divorce their spouse later.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Edit: And once again, calling someone's view "stupid" by adding the phrase "with all due respect" doesn't negate the nastiness of the word stupid. It just puts a pretty bow on it.

The word "stupid" is certainly no nastier than the word "scumbag," which you used. Do you really think Martin Luther King, for example, was a scumbag?

Let me tell ya somethin my kraut mick friend!