Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I work in the World Financial Center which is connected to the World Trade Center by a walking bridge over West street. My building is right on the river, two blocks from the center. GOd was watching ovewr me that morning. I arrived in work and went to the lounge to watch ESPN and have coffee. As I was watching I heard a loud bang and 30 seconds later the news broke into the program saying that a plane had crashed into one of the towers! My partner and I looked at each other and being that we both worked inside the Trade Center back in 1993 and escaped the bombing then, we decided to get the hell out of our building. ALl of a sudden the news yells out " Oh my god, another plane has hit the other tower!!!" At that moment, we ran out of the building. We watched the towers burn!!! ( I am starting to cry as I write this ). We were waiting for a boat to come to take us over to Jersey, realizing that there was no way that we could head towards the Disaster to try to get home. While waiting, allowing woman and
children to board the first boats that arrived, we all watched in HORROR as the building burned and people, literally dozens of them,were jumping from the 80th floor or higher to there death, deciding if they should burn to death or jump to thier death!!! What a horrific sight! I will never forget it!!!!! As a boat came into the dock, the first building started to crumble and fall!!!! OH MY GOD!!! Bodies were flying all over the air!!! As we stepped on our boat, in amatter of seconds, smoke, clouds, fire and debri came over the financial center building totally covering the courtyard and dock that I just had stepped off of!!! We all dove for cover on the boat and the Captain full throttled that boat to get us away as quickly as he could. I got up, looked at where I was just standing, and could not see anything but smoke and debris covering everything and everyone that could not get onto the boat and were stranded where I was just seconds ago was standing!!!! Everyone, ncluding myself were ALL CRYING. SIckening sight! Friends and Co-Workers that I have been with for years were standing and the next second were gone, covered in Debris and Smoke. Till today, I have only been able to get in contact with three of them, that thank GOD are ok. We still don't know about the rest. As I got to the other side of the River the second building came down! I am sick! I will never ever forget the sights that I witnessed and the sounds of the screams and the falling buildings will stay with me forever!! I cannot continue. I am getting sicker by the moment trying to share this nightmare with all of you. My God, My God. What a sight!

Don Cardi

Yes. Have hope and may God be with you.

"It is no secret that organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year. This is quite a profitable sum, especially when one considers that the Mafia spends very little for office supplies."
-Woody Allen

"I'm going to blame some of the people in this room. And that, I do not forgive."

-Don Vito Corleone