heres my story:

i was in 2nd period when the principal LIED to us and told the teachers that the electricity for the computers failed and the televison sets. Around 5th period my dad came to pick me up and he told me that the pentagon was hit. My dad worked in an office right across the pentagon, and he said he heard a airplane, a boom, and an employee screaming "Holy Shit!" he ran to the window and saw the fire. I told him i want to go see the Pentagon. He took a shortcut so that we wouldnt get stuck in traffic, and we parked in the parking lot of the macys, and we saw the ambulances. My dad started crying. i couldnt find the emotions. my own father crying. It fianlly didnt sink in that thousands of people died until september 13th, when i was watching WWF, and they sang the National anthem. I cryed like a baby the whole night.

Remember 9/11


"It is better to die standing than to live on your knees."
-Che Guevara