Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: Mignon
The town hall meeting that he went to today was at my hometown where I grew up in Elyria, Ohio. I am really hurt. My ticket must've got lost in the mail whistle

Oli, I have a question for you. Is it normal protocol for the schools to close for the day cuz the President comes to town?

Only if it's President Obama!! Just messin' with you Mig. lol

I'm not Oli, but I'm sure it is NOT normal. Why? Did they close all schools??? confused

When I was 12 years old and in Catholic School, JFK was campaigning and drove right by the area of the school. They DID close the school down and we all went to the corner to see him. Of course that was a Catholic school (first Catholic President)and I think the total students enrolled was about 100. lol


That's what my Mother-in-Law told me today that Elyria Public schools were closed today. I don't know about the private schools. That's what I was wondering why they would close?

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12