Anton The Penguin - I don't think you understand something here: we were attacked. In your pacifist nature, I guess it is OK to just sit back and do nothing, waiting for another attack, but in my view, it's about time something is done about terrorism, and Bush, so far, has done a lot more than I expected him to. Civilian casualties, my friend, are a by-product of war and can't be prevented, but I think we've been doing a pretty damn good job of keeping them minimal. It's not good that some civilians are getting killed, but again, it is inevitable in war. Your bombing point is also off: if we have to bomb every terrorist hideout in every country in the world, if that is what it takes to lessen the threat of terrorism and eventually vanquish it, then that is what needs to be done. It's a matter of protecting ourselves, Anton The Penguin.

Nice Guy Eddie - Eloquently spoken... wink I've been watching a lot of the specials that they've had on lately, and it still sends chills through my spine to see those towers fall, because of some crazed, psycho, terrorist lunatics. When I see the people on the streets holding pictures of their lost relatives it really makes me respect all that President Bush is doing.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986