Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
If he didn't know before, he surely knows now, the discontent of the Democrats.
smile TIS

I dunno, Tis. I worry. You know the old saying: "A house divided can not stand."

Lilo made a VERY astute point in an earlier post: The Republicans are MUCH better at sticking together than the Democrats. All of this infighting has to cease. The opportunity the Democrats earned one year ago cannot be overstated. The party's control in the House was unquestioned; their power in the Senate unstoppable. And now it appears that we've blown a golden opportunity that comes along once in a political lifetime.

I honestly don't want to be a doomsayer here, because like Lilo says, there's still plenty of time for Obama to turn this thing around. But unless he changes his attitude about the way he deals with adversity (like, you know, admitting that he actually has adversity in his life), then he's going to be one and out.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.