2 years ago? Christ, it does not seem that long ago.

When I found out, I was all like: "shit!" I was sick that day, I went with my mum over to visit a friend who was completely stoned and listening to the radio. They said:
"Did you hear about the planes that just crashed in New York? There's like this, domino effect happening!" (Then they proceeded to fall asleep for 5 minutes, then they woke up and made 10 cups of coffee). So we went home, I looked at the TV, and I was completely awestruck.

It's terrifying.

And in all honesty, THAT'S war for you (yes, this is a form of war. Explosions, killing, destruction.) Wouldn't you think after experiencing the terror and horror of this stuff you might not support doing the same thing back? I know what kind of reaction this is gonna get, but you have to realise I'm not glorifying the attacks, I'm not making them out differently, I'm not being disrespectful to the victims. I was so sad that day that it's escalated to this. It's scary. It's fucking scary and you guys all know it, don't you? You've had it in your own country!!! It's terrifying, sad, destructive...

*sigh* So sad.

I give all possible respect and condolences to victims, families, and those haunted by this. I was. Not to the extent of your average American, but it really saddened me.

What a terrible thing to happen. I've heard so many stories, seen so many pictures, it's scary.

Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.