Originally posted by J Geoff:
2 years ago, today; I cried.
As did most of us.

With all the hoopla over the anniversary there are tons of tv shows offering documentaries on the attacks. I was watching a special on A&E the other day and I was (still) glued to the screen. Watching the clips of those brave firemen and cops going into the buildings, knowing that there was a fairly good chance they were gonna die, is STILL very hard to view. Watching all those poor office workers pouring out of the towers, covered with soot, faces etched in fear, STILL has me wondering how terrible it must have been for them. Reliving all those stories about last minute telephone calls to family members for those trapped by the flames STILL makes me wonder how those family members are surviving.

Two days ago I cried, too. Only this time the tears stayed inside. Theres a certain resignation in me that revenge against the attackers, and those who planned it, won't be good enough.

Will we EVER get over this?

