Originally posted by J Geoff:

Now, that being the case, I find your words despicable. You hardly sound "neutral" to me.

While the CIA has been accused of despicable acts in the past, I cannot see that now -- my God.


I dont see the despicable tendence of my words in the posting, and i never had the intension to hurt your feelings. I'f it is please accept my excuses.

Why i wrote it then?

America doesn't reign the world anymore

Right after the attempt the airports where closed. Far as i know they still are, the whole American industry and financial life can't function at this moment. Everyone is affraid (i'm not suprised because i'll should be affraid too i've it happens in my country.) America is disabled.

i'll don't will be suprised if you're own CIA is behind this whole horror thing

The world economics doesn't work for a few months, check Nasdaq and Wallstreet for that. What is good for the economics ............. a war. I've there is no reasons for a war, why don't create reason for it then. Blow a building or two, point you're finger to bin Laden and you have reasons enough to intervent Afghanistan.

Contrary to popular belief, Unix is userfriendly. It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.