Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
In response to Don Michel's observation of us Americans..........fresh out of tact.....

When Don Michel says he doesnt love the arabs and he doesnt love the americans and he is neutral, I feel he is missing the "compassion" gene. Many innocent victims with much family and friends to grieve them. For this I care not about race or color.

La Dolce Vita, like i said before i feel sorry for you Americans but i'm neutral in this "silly" horror thing. I don't like the American point of view in the Palestine case but i don't think that it will approve an act of terror like shown yesterday.

Like i said before i really feel sorry for you and for for all the peoples who lost a beloved one. The act of terror yesterday proved one thing. America doesn't reign the world anymore, altough i'll don't will be suprised if you're own CIA is behind this whole horror thing.

Contrary to popular belief, Unix is userfriendly. It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.