No one has forgotten Oklahoma City, Don_Michel. Dont you ever think that. Secondly, the reason we thought it was terrorists from abroad was because of the numerous threats we had received, as well as the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center that left 1000 injured and 6 dead. We had no way of knowing straight away that an american was responsible, and since it is the style of the news to speculate and throw around theories, you can bet your ass most people thought it was an extremist arab group. It turns out it wasn't, and McVeigh was punished with his life. We can surely move on, cant we?

By the way, I like to keep my personal opinions about people out of this, but I have to clear the air about something you said, Josh. A: Sonny's Girl is not sexist, she's merely trying to be friendly - why would she name herself as the girl of a male character if she loathed them so much? And dont get me started on La Dolce Vita, although I didnt have the blessing of meeting her in real life, i'm convinced she's the nicest person i've seen around here yet. Probably the best looking too wink.

[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]