Originally posted by Vendetta:
[QUOTE] Then again if military planes went up what other choice would they have then to down a plane that was headed for a major metro area?

That's a good point (and a sad one to ponder). You have to weigh the possibilities of hundreds, or even thousands of people being killed if that plane had hit its target.

BTW - Vendetta - I'm sure your husband could confirm this, but there was some speculation about how the jets were highjacked, and if the pilots were forced to fly them into the targets. Its been suggested that the highjackers themselves took over the controls of the planes, because "no American pilot would ever do that, not even at gunpoint" (quote from some FAA official).

I just heard from a girlfriend that she got home OK (she works a few blocks away from the WTC, and said there is total chaos in the area).
