Originally posted by J Geoff:
I am just in total shock - I saw it online first, and thought it was a joke until I turned on the TV. I just cannot believe this has happened.... I'll be back later....


I understand. Since i'm in Canada many things have been closed here. I knew it would happen, even since I read Tom Clancy's executive decisions and heard him on the phone this morning where he imagined a plane crashing into the congress as initiated by terrorists, thus decapitating the political strength and economy of the US. I didn't know it would happen in New York, after the trade center bombing of February 1993, that left 6 dead and scores wounded, I pretty much figured a major government building would get it on the nose the next time. McVeigh bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma city in 1995, and now it's a small chunk of the Pentagon, and the twin towers of the trade center. Extremist groups might be responsible, Bin Laden's name has been thrown around by such people as Senator Hatch and John McCain, but no confirmation at all. It could well be one of us again, though I hope this is not the case. In any instance, there was bound to be a terrorist attack (not of this proportions though, who the hell can manage to hijack commercial planes and crash them into buildings in this day and age)?. I just didnt think it would kill that many people or take out the trade center. The best thing to do is remain calm and call the designated hotlines for information on relatives or friends who may have been in the general vicinity of the chaos.

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]