Originally Posted By: klydon1
So far it looks like the main HR sluggers of the steroid era (roughly, 1988-2005), who have avoided the blemish of steroids are Griffey, Thomas and Thome.

Nobody will ever be able to convince me that Jim Thome bulked up naturally. I remember him as a rookie, playing 3rd base and being a skinny rail. This was, I believe, in 1993. By 1995, he was bulked up by a good 35 lbs and had to be moved to 1B by the start of 1997 after Cleveland acquired All-Star 3B Matt Williams.

I admit it's circumstantial evidence, but Thome was also teammates of two other highly suspected steroid users: Albert Belle and Manny Ramierez. Later in his career, Manny was suspended in 2009 for steroid violations. Belle was caught cheating with a cork in his bat and was long suspected of being a steriod user. Again, all the circumstantial evidence points to it: Belle was one of the moodiest athletes in all of sports, he was very big, and his career ended quickly with a degenerative hip condition that is not uncommon with steriod usage.

I do agree about Junior and the Big Hurt. Griffey Jr. is one of the saddest cases as injuries derailed what was going to be a record-setting career. Frank Thomas was just a behemoth of a man. He could have easily been cast as a NFL defensive lineman.