If McGwire is kept out, then I feel that by default so should Sosa. Those two are linked together.

One point I always found interesting re: Sosa. Thrice in his career he hit more than 61 homeruns, which was Roger Maris' magic number that had stood for more than 30 years. In NONE of those seasons in which Sammy had 61+ HR did he lead the league in HRs! crazy In 1998, he lost to McGwire for the league lead in HRs (70 to 66), in 1999 he lost again to McGwire (65-63) and in 2001 he lost out to Bonds (73-64). Sosa did lead the league 2000 and 2002 with 50 and 49 HRs, respectively.

Not only did Sosa most likely use 'roids, he also corked his bat. Those two reasons alone should keep him out of Cooperstown.

If Bonds gets in, it should be with a gigantic asterisk. I agree with Klydon that A-Rod, Manny & Clemens should be kept out too.