Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Yes, Klyd. Bert was almost an afterthought to me, because he's been eligible for so long. Alomar was more fresh in my mind, so he's who I based my post around.

With 300 wins quickly approaching extinction, Bert's 287 will stand up against almost anyone's. It's a real shame. I agree, he's the Hall's biggest oversight right now (with Gil Hodges leading the pack for the "old" old timers).

Also helped Dawn that he was never suspected of juicing. Oh nostalgia...

You guys have to understand, that alot of those 70s/80s players that weren't first ballot shoe-in selections, they cannibalized each other's votes. Notice that after Lee Smith and Jim Rice and Andre Dawson, how the others have risen slowly. Notice that Jack Morris is at over 50%.

Alomar not getting in was a fluke, just by looking at how he nearly went in.

2011 will be Alomar, Blyleven, and (maybe) Jeff Bagwell.

And McGwire, Palmeiro, Gonzalez will clog up the ballot, taking away pity and strident defenfers' vvotes away from guys who never used steroids. All around the 20-25% range.