Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
..."a belief in god in our contemporary socalled civilized and post enlightenment world is inherently antagonistic towards the intellectual development of mankind...without science without that is the scientific endeavours by which we have arrived at our understanding of the world as we know it then were just another fucked up backward primitive race...I think religious beliefs - which are beliefs in superstition - thrive in a society where universal education has not been achieved;"

"Without science we remain primitive tribesman"

"What scientists know about the world now is a lot more than what they knew 100 years ago."

Erm, I see where you're coming from with this, but I'm not so sure about any of that. To wit: we know that the Egyptians and Mayans built structures that we today, even with all of our modern powers of massive construction and destruction, simply cannot duplicate. Science didn't arise out of a vacuum over night, as you know, it's a system that has built on itself for thousands of years. I think some of us are a little too quick in dismissing the ancient Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Golden Chinese, etc. theistic societies as somehow backward and progressively concave compared to our own, when in fact, the scientific acheivements of these ancient peoples were far more significant and broad sweeping than those made in our own supposedly progressive, outward looking time period.

The Hindus' didn't let their multitheism prevent them from inventing the number zero; the Egyptians had Gods of all sorts but were still practicing surgery and alchemy thousands of years ago; the ancient Chinese more or less invented modern Theology as we know it along with just about everything we take for granted today from paper to gun powder; the ancient Mayans were the greatest astrologers, maritime navigators and calendar makers ever (see Mayan 2012 Doomsday Prophecy) who knew more about celestial orbitations than contemporary science does today; and that's just to name a very few achievements by a very few ancient, primitive multitheistic socities, thus; I really think we need to detach ourselves from attributing 'primitive' with naivety or a lack of scientific progression, as it's clear that the scientific postulates formulated by these ancient multitheistic societies thousands of years ago (notwithstanding the monumental acheivements made in the high Middle Ages) are the foundations for which today's "progressive, outward looking society" is built upon.