Originally Posted By: Turnbull
The best boardwalk pizza I remember was at Crespi's Pizza in Rockaways Playland, Beach 98th Street and the ocean, Rockaway Park. That was decades ago. Playland was knocked down years ago to make way for housing.

The best pizza I enjoy now is made from scratch by yours truly. wink

I also make my own pizza TB.

It's now become somewhat of a family tradition that I make pizza on New Years. I make regular, sicilian, dry sausage pie, pepperoni pie, white pie and also a grated cheese pie.

I sometimes even make calzones.

HERE'S something that you might enjoy looking at.

We used to go to Rockaway Beach when I was a kid. I have great memories of going to the beach with my family and especially remember how high the waves were as my father and I used to stay in the water for hours diving into and riding those huge waves. Great memories.

The photo below brings back some very vauge memories that I have of driving to the beach and seeing some parts of Rockaway in burnt ruins.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.