Capo, while I fully understand you think God and organized religion is absurd, can you at least acknowledge that religion can be a good thing for people?

One of the receiving dock workers at a regular delivery stop of mine has his desk covered with religious verses, crosses, a bible, etc... and he always says "God bless" when I leave. I've since talked with him about that over the years and it turns out he got himself into a lot of trouble as a young man with gangs. While in prison he got hooked up with some sort of program that brought him to Christianity and it's what drives him now. It changed his life and he now uses it to speak with other young men in gangs in an attempt to save their lives before they end up dead or in prison.

I know you can make the argument that non believers can also change people's lives for the good. You can also argue that religious people can blindly follow their faith and use it to make themselves feel better than others. There are good and bad people in any walk of life and religion is no different.

I'm saying alot to basically make the point that the idea of a higher power is comforting for a lot of people and it helps them cope with daily life. It can even help them do good in the world for others. And if it's a positive thing then why knock it? If I meet someone who is doing charity work dressed like a fairy I might think it's odd, but will commend them for helping others.

Okay, I'm ready for your response to make me look stupid tongue

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes