I believe in spirituality and a creator/beginning. I don't really believe in religion. How can someone blindly follow one religion and then think the billions of other people are wrong with their religion? Like "I'm Christian and going to heaven, But you Catholics are screwed" Doesn't make any sense to me. Also I've seen how religion has blatantly told a bunch of people that their native culture is wrong and the way they've been living is a sin for thousands of years.

I do believe there is a lot more than what we just see around us. I admire the Earths perfect design and do believe it is due to a creator ( A God/infinite spirit etc)
I just really think religion is a massive turn off to people seeking some spiritual guidance. According to religion, I should go to hell cause I've had sex with women when I wasn't married to them. My daughter is a sin etc etc.
Why would this loving God, also condemn you to "hell" to spend eternity in pain and agony all because I didn't read a book that has been changed and chopped and misused for centuries....

I follow my own spirituality.

The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It's the same thing, fear, but it's what you do with it that matters. Cus D'Amato