I felt the same way about the book. Initially when I first started to read it, I found it enjoyable. But then as I got deeper into the book, I began to question Folsom regarding the supposed conversations that he quotes and claims took place between certain people. Had he paraphrased, I could have accepted it. But his writing style made it appear as though what he was writing were ACCURATE quotes of conversations that took place.

I am not knocking Folsom's writing style. I happen to enjoy the way that he writes and once again enjoyed many parts of the book. But I do question his sources and how he could actually quote conversations that took place between people that were no longer around when the book was written. I do believe that he referenced several other books that were written years before with stories about Crazy Joe and his crew.

Being pretty famailar with the areas that were written about in the book, I didn't appreciate the innacuracies regarding neighborhoods, the location of events and even the location of certain clubs on President street.

I do think that if made with care, the movie can be a winner because Joe Gallo and his crew were certainly a bunch of interesting people with a lot of content and characteristics to portray in a movie.

Possibly Steve Buscemi as Crazy Joe?

It works for me.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.