So, today the Yankees traded Austin Jackson, Phil Coke and Ian Kennedy in a 3-team deal with Detroit and Arizona to land Curtis Granderson. As much as I like Granderson, I think they should have held onto Jackson. If to not only include him in a potential Halladay trade, I would have liked to see the kid play in 2010 or 2011 because I've heard nothing but positive things about him. I just don't understand it. Again, Granderson's a very good player but do we really need him? Our outfield wasn't horrible but if I'm the Yankees, I'm looking for rotation help, not centerfielders.

Plus, add in the fact that now the Yankees are short 2 less guys in the bullpen (Phil Coke and Brian Bruney who was traded to Washington on Monday). I think it may be safe to assume that Joba or Hughes will begin 2010 in the bullpen unless they have other guys lined up for the job.