just watched it saturday night. given the fact that I'm relatively young and I have good taste for movies, this is one of the best movies I've ever watched on the big screen.

of course Christophe Waltz is disturbingly good, but in fact every piece of acting is worth a note. the mannerisms and expressions are all spot on and even with multiple closes and incredibly long dialogues they never fail at their delievering, leading the audience to believe the nonsense.

after all, if you can't have a good time watching this, I believe you have serious enjoyment problems. if it isn't interesting, it should be funny. for a fan of "fantasy flicks" - in the meaning of "O brother, where art thou" rathen than that of "Harry Potter - with a comedy/drama mix, this is really great.

I'll have to check this thought in a few months and a few watchings down the road but I believe "Basterds" is much better than "Kill Bill" - which I liked - and the only bad thing like Fredo pointed out is that there isn't enough of the Bastards in it. I could enjoy a trashy prequel about them!

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk