Any thoughts on any of the awards given out already?

Obviously as a Giants fan I'm ecstatic Lincecum won his second Cy Young Award, back to back. But I'm curious what other people think? Should he have won? I truly believe any of the top three guys, Lincecum, Carpenter and Wainright, deserved to win and I would have had no problem with any of them receiving the award.

I also find it interesting that the voting seems to have changed the last two years. With Zack Greinke winning the AL award with a record of 16-8 and Lincecum winning with a record of 15-7 it tells me that voters are finally looking at more than just the win total. I'm very happy about that! I've always been bothered by guys with 19-20+ wins automatically winning regardless of the team they play for and their other more important stats.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes