Originally Posted By: DiMaggio68
Political correctness is for sure what killed those soldiers in Ft Hood because if he was white he would've got a dishonorable discharge a long time ago.

This statement is not without merit. I just wouldn't make the blanket statement that "if he was white."

What I'd say is this: If he were Christian or Jewish (white or black), spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric, I think the army would have moved a lot faster in removing him from active duty. We practically strip search 80 year old white women at airports, for fear of being labeled "profilers" of Middle Eastern looking people. Yet we're so afraid of offending the Arab/Arab-American/Muslim community, that this psycho went largely unnoticed.

Bottom line: If Hasan were a Jew or a Christian spewing anti-Muslim propoganda, he never would have been allowed to remain in the Armed Forces. Judeo-Christian bashing has become the last acceptable form of prejudice in America, and we're paying the price for it. A very steep price.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.